/gen/ - General

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noodle(Please get a life Fatcat, and stop avatarfagging for attention. (and stop grooming kids on discord, too.))
8 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Two words, Fatty. Wank.


I don't like fatcat by the way


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Nice try Chud, but I am a true red-blooded Sidsonian American. I just think the word "nonce" is funny.


Murdoc Niccals is funnier

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Day 0 Sidson.city user vs day 124 Sidson.city user


amerimutt is real


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Let's fight Justin Bieber

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Do you believe in the Edomite question?


I am a firm believer in the Sneedomite question (formerly the Chuckomite Question)


Das Rite, OP! Show them who the boss is!

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Sid 12 days ago №804[Reply]

Meet the Admins:


[Creative Director & Founder]

Want to volunteer as a janny? Then please feel feel free to head over to

and create a thread.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Just would like to remind you all that the sidty would never actually advertise using catty wipes on the sharty, the person behind this is also a CP spammer


These spammers have nothing to do with the sidty.

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what is the truth behind this???


This thread glows


nuh uh

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Now Kith


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a forbiden romance. West vs east,amphibian vs feelsman…could it truly happen?

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Oh im a colorsid. Yes im a colorsid. Oh im a poopy peepee diapy shitty colorsid




This is the new colorsid, Icid! Instead of being made of many colors, mostly primary, he is made of two shades of cold blue, one more dull than the other. He loves ice cubes!


A daring hypothesis


Lovely work sidlover2004!

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/gen/ and /sid/
why do we need more?


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Because I like son of the mask and others similar and hate most anime


Also make that a sidson.

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