/gen/ - General

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File: 1692097708205.png (17.42 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


I hope those discord kids on his ass in /q/ begging him to ban everything they didn't like are happy now. We didn't deserve Doll.


They deserve Max


If there was a wish I could change something in the past, that would be Soot rejecting Kuz's offer.

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add /mlp/


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lee website


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Hello all soyteens. Its not over yet. We will all unite on the wiki bunker and then we will depart for 4chan and force the mods to bring back /qa/ or add /soy/. If they do not do any of those things we Will DDoS their site till it goes offline. Its not over yet, ’eens.


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We were admin6
We were the anti-'teen
We were Toos

We were the IV'd that killed the party, our home.


File: 1692079231088.png (41.52 KB, 584x901, israeli redditor.png)

>We were admin6
>We were the anti-'teen
>We were Toos
>We were the IV'd that killed the party, our home.


no arrow


Why are you portraying yourself as a soyjak?
Isn't the whole point of soyjaks to make fun of people?
This is a self own.


Admin 6/Toos was dr E

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vinluv please add /soy/ since the niggerkike (((Max))) is going to vaporize the sharty at this rate
I'll make a Scott Cawthon sidson or something if you do


It's been done. >>>/soy/


Make 10 sidsons


Thank you very much, I'll post the Sid Cawthon ASAP (As Sid As Possible)




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Massive soycuck L and massive frog W
Soon the soycuck meme will die out and Pepe will live in for years to come.


Wrong Board /amf/

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is this the new soyfart.brappy?


yeah probably until somebody brings it back or the jarty comes back up

File: 1692061387895.png (32.96 KB, 580x1020, 32830 - SoyBooru.png)


sooooooo is this place active???
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1692061438278.png (66.64 KB, 527x611, 1685049805588.png)

Good I have a few presents for the site


File: 1692064210420.png (381.88 KB, 680x510, sidson agency.png)

we got you covered chap


File: 1692064401856.jpg (162.54 KB, 700x661, No_Teens_Allowed.jpg)

Yes, but your kind is not welcome here.





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File: 1692066619084.png (5.22 MB, 1986x2048, Vincolor.png)

only if you post and make more Sidson and SOTM content.


where is the sidbooru

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