/gen/ - General

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File: 1727815958458.png (20.11 KB, 102x161, docto crick.png)



Where cricksid

File: 1727548190431.png (176.08 KB, 1081x1000, 1721570327437n.png)




File: 1727651647361.png (341.05 KB, 1630x1226, 2z8kor.png)

Where sidson?


File: 1727684266255.png (438.31 KB, 612x472, lennonstreet.png)

in the good part of the city


File: 1727800281820.png (982.1 KB, 1280x720, Jud1szi.png)


File: 1727550195127.jpg (634.22 KB, 1600x1050, homelesslennon.jpg)


can i have a dollar

File: 1727549325534.png (390.39 KB, 1000x1000, thelennonmigration.png)


lennon migration

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lennon takeover


There no party like a Siddy Party


Love me some longpie

File: 1727000603722.jpeg (227.44 KB, 1494x1110, Tba4x67.jpeg)


what do u guys think of clussy?
haha arent they hilarious?
which ones here would u rape?




Make them inflate


which ones?
lola pop can do that

File: 1727326752456.jpeg (47.55 KB, 941x982, FxvAyPWaQAAvuj1.jpeg)


>Makes a Visual novel about school girls & Literature club
>Add slight horror elements but instead of just jumpscares, It's also your computer that's acting weird & files.
>Game becomes extrememly popular, and gets a place in the Espadas Indie horror table.
>Makes a Visual novel where you play as the girl, that's targeted towards gooners & Soycucks
>Game becomes popular for the dark humor, both OG and Sequel and gave people a bit of media literacy ( Somehow ),and some girls relate to it.
>Makes & Releases "The Flipside"
>ended up waiting for absolute shit, Creator gets outted as a pedophile, and overall a POS.

You cannot make this shit up, It's like Scott cawthon Vs Yandere dev all over again, I know anime Is banned on here expect for Baki but the downfall is depressing to see, You had it all and somehow you made the sequel that fucked it up.


>8 posts per day


can i have a dollar


CP spam detected (IV'd). Please let us know if this is a false-positive.

holy meds

File: 1725046216652.jpg (23.12 KB, 500x500, 91tg7u.jpg)


Whats the point of this site
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.



what a dead nigger baby of a site


dead nigger storage


where sidson?


he looks like a very smart school boy

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