/gen/ - General

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Pi Network is a new cryptocurrency that was developed by a group of Stanford University Ph.D. that you can earn with your cell phone.
You can earn your own PI coins for free, just download the Pi Network app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store, after installing just enter the code "Berssange" and log into the app once a day to prove that You are not a bot and that's it, you will earn a certain amount of currency per hour.
It doesn't drain your phone's battery, and you don't even need to leave the app open, the Pi doesn't affect your phone's performance or use your network data.
The currency is new and has no price yet, it's a good time to enter, so just sell the currency when it enters the market.
Good opportunity to get Pi for free and make a lot of profit later.


Mr Yucky Ducky wants to talk with you about something


So true

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We already got our own /raid/ board you dingwat


dead ass nigger website


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soikike creativity is on full display with this one


Where sidson?

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ALIEN UFO Videos And Pictures.zip 8.3 GB Download

This collection contains a great amount of files saved over the years about Aliens and UFOs, all collected into one big download!!!



Pickle Rick?


Dickle dick?




The hitler is dead

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Whatever is happening in sharty is just same problem with 4chan when it introduced its own pass, but worse.
That site should have shut down in 2023 and never been purchased. Better dead than red.




Sidson.city is the only way to go

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mfw throw poop at the soysphere


https://youtu.be/-cOtRoWkhWY?si=1gP0O9jEtTOXaMTf this is know an Unknown Hinson thread


NAS (not a sidson)


Make it a sidson

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sid him


I like the concept

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