/gen/ - General

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vIDluv make a /soy/


It's already there

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It's gonna 100x I promise



Make it a sidson.





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‘teens shall become the Jews of imageboards


we already were


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>my jokes about soot and his mods being JIDF agents came true.


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>jarty's temporarily down because they need our data too

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Hello soyfugees


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/gen/ - General
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Sid 08/15/23 (Tue) 17:48:53 №1507
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Why did they turn his head into Spongebob's house?

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hello sidbros


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Hello kuz

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new bone chilling 'jak stonetoss just dropped


issa gem


ID'd, gem, etc


it's over

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what are your fetishes
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.




My son is three years old, and we've been trying to potty train him for a while now. Unfortunately, we've hit a major roadblock - his fear of the "skibidi toilet" You might be wondering what a "skibidi toilet" is, and honestly, I had no idea either until we encountered it. Fron what I've gathered, "skibidi toilet" is basically a new genre of youtube video about evil singing toilets. Basically think zombies but instead they're toilets that sing in your face. I was fine to let my son watch the videos at first, as they seemed innocent enough and fairly harmless, but they soon devolved into strange post apocalyptic material with grotesque toilets fighting in a war against mankind, so I finally intervened and cut him off. I thought that was the end of it, he can't watch the videos anymore so theres nothing to be afraid of. Well, I was wrong. This has since turned into a complete nightmare for us at home. We recently started potty training and he refuses to use the toilet now due to skibidi toilet. Whenever we try to put him on it he screams and refuses to go anywhere near it. We've tried explaining that skibidi toilet isnt real and our toilet is completely safe, but it seems like it's too overwhelming for him. We even let him decorate it with stickers, hoping it would make him less afraid, but no luck so far. It utterly breaks my heart to see him so anxious about such a simple thing that every child goes through. I'm not sure how to proceed from here. Should we give him more time and hope that he warms to the toilet, or is it better to try a completely different approach? I know every child is different, but has anyone else experienced something similar? How did you deal with skibidi toilet in your household, if you encountered it?


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shiny suits like latex, symbiotes from marvel comics and preggo.
preggo is cute, but i don't like seeing horniest images of that.




i get rock hard every time i think of tnd

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>When I was 14 I almost kissed my tomboy cousin, but my stupid bitch aunt interrupted us. My cousin is now a thrice divorced alcoholic single mother of 4 and I'm a terminally online internet racist with a crippling loli hentai addiction. Never let them tell you that incest is bad.


did a 4cuck say this marge

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old toss


frogchads won

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My theory is that money wasn't the issue, Doll just felt scared/guilty about the IP leaks and also he wasn't able to moderate it effectively due to having a second job (forklift driver). Also there might have been nefarious actions from the Goongate troons we doxxed, but Max never seemed to address that.


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Mr Heck of /ftl/ in the bant threads … only one who can unite the sharty
… even without a home board
Seek him


That theory falls through when you realize that IP leaks already happened under Doll's administration


When is the nusoysissy mass suicide livestream


idk, what time works for you? id imagine that youd have to buy some streaming equipment in advance


When Tweetoids stop browsing sharty, no matter what they post! That's the reason why jakking died in the First place! When it gets popular on social media, it dies too Fast. TND got used by normies for shit like Total Hippie Death.

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