/gen/ - General

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the sidty already did that see >>>/sidraid/

File: 1691623306778.jpg (4.83 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20230809_185653.jpg)


I made a LONG queque (Chilean Dish)


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File: 1691697737656.jpg (12.71 KB, 533x300, giqjViULcWKnlj761LVOkMIil9….jpg)

Scrumptious simply scrumptious


Half-Life Sidson confirmed

File: 1691591156274.png (105.78 KB, 320x320, 1691582076411.png)




File: 1691618846485.png (4.83 KB, 224x206, leejimmy.png)

File: 1691603554761.mp4 (139.12 KB, 720x720, hip_hop_dancing.mp4)


File: 1691449366103.png (1.29 MB, 1071x1234, Baby_Soyjak.PNG)


The first /baby/?


Cacapilled vathcore

File: 1691445382049.png (241.98 KB, 943x896, chingchong.png)


more id'd or iv'd? im talking about eastern asia by the way.


Sea-Monkies/best Korea/Central asian mystery meat=ID'd

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My Will to Power Up


ID'd to the max


rasta rasta rasta

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i say this but dont look like this

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What is this board? Asking for a refugee friend.


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This is the general board. Where you can post non sidson or non son of the mask things. But preferably,turn that own into a sidson/maskpost please

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Just setup a LibreX instance at https://sidson.city/librex/
No I'm not going to bother theming it to be sidty related or anything


I can help theme it!


File: 1691113166104.png (253.69 KB, 868x554, ask sidson.png)

>No I'm not going to bother theming it to be sidty related
what an IV'd mindset!


File: 1691113242311.png (237.3 KB, 868x554, ask sidson.png)


I love this, adding it now


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https://files.catbox.moe/nxjcsx.png I tinkerated with the logo a bit to be easier to see with librex's darkmode

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