/gen/ - General

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We will be raiding Indiachan.net on Saturday, August 5th. Spam Sidsons and gore, primarily Sidsons. Spread the word to fellow Sidsonians, and may this raid succeed.


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sounds ID'd


Moved to >>>/sidraid/39.

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Make jarty complain board because I do not want to derail this board with jarty


where's the so-called "jarty complaints"?


I think that would fall within the purview of /meta/.


We had a jarty complain board it was >>>/jarty/

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Mutant Mayhem


The film follows the Turtle brothers as they work to earn the love of New York City while facing down an army of mutants.


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make it a sidson.

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Say no more.

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test thread


>>>/amf/ also we got we ms now. !

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I have wrought IV'd IV'd unto the Sidson nation, it's so over!




He made the IV’d sidson


Punishable by death without a proper alibi


You can make it up,just make new sidsons

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WGE protest post from ManletThorin made me think that executives can be responsible for making writing shittier than it seems, but they can also improve the writing with a Little help.


Let the fire rage on. I want it to turn into ash.


The writers guild smells like rotten penises

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any sidders?
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Where do I post my Cobsons then?


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anywhere you like nigga, who's stopping you?


Into the trashcan


That made me sad.


It makes me glad

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Somebody make a test with the sidty


Make that jak a sidson first

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>Where is my marge board?
3 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Bringe back marge.city. Now.


make it a sidson


Marge.city will be bombed.


Feck off!


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Feck… On?

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