/gen/ - General

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File: 1681559823175.png (154.99 KB, 970x530, ClipboardImage.png)


explain this?
26 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


dutchtoon albeit


isn't this the "KYS FNF PEDO NIGGER" guy?


File: 1690902005923.png (227.36 KB, 598x759, bernd weird.png)

it went down kek IV'dligshits can't even keep a dead 'chan up for more than a year




aryangemerald zelligGOD



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The only way I see the 'p issue getting dealt with once and for all is if a neural network is trained to detect it, using a training database of a shitload of 'p.
People have tried to do this before by training two networks separately, one on children and one on porn, then using them both on each image, but this doesn't work because the porn-detecting one hasn't been shown any 'p and therefore has a much lower success rate with it than it does with regular porn.
The only way is to train it on actual 'p. I think the best way to do this is to offer a deal to one of those guys who gets caught with terabytes of it, where he can provide glowies with his stash so that models can be trained on it. The actual training data (read: 'p collection) wouldn't be made public, just the trained model - this is already industry standard.
This would unfortunately mean that all the 'p spam solutions would be proprietary, or at least use a proprietary model, but I think this is preferable to having 'p spammed everywhere that doesn't have 24/7 active mod surveillance.
What do you guys think?
(I tried to get the serious hat 'plier but the 'ru is down, so you'll have to settle for the normal one instead.)


you can use https://soyjak.city it's the booru rolled back to august 8th i think


File: 1692107926777.png (96.05 KB, 480x640, serious hat.png)

>The only way I see the 'p issue getting dealt with once and for all is if a neural network is trained to detect it, using a training database of a shitload of 'p.
>People have tried to do this before by training two networks separately, one on children and one on porn, then using them both on each image, but this doesn't work because the porn-detecting one hasn't been shown any 'p and therefore has a much lower success rate with it than it does with regular porn.
>The only way is to train it on actual 'p. I think the best way to do this is to offer a deal to one of those guys who gets caught with terabytes of it, where he can provide glowies with his stash so that models can be trained on it. The actual training data (read: 'p collection) wouldn't be made public, just the trained model - this is already industry standard.
>This would unfortunately mean that all the 'p spam solutions would be proprietary, or at least use a proprietary model, but I think this is preferable to having 'p spammed everywhere that doesn't have 24/7 active mod surveillance.
>What do you guys think?
>(I tried to get the serious hat 'plier but the 'ru is down, so you'll have to settle for the normal one instead.)


Thank you.


Honestly not a bad idea. I like it. Can't think of anything else tbh

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Remember when Sidson.city BTFO Lolkike?


I member


File: 1692134127481.png (93.37 KB, 721x1333, Cobby 4.png)

i'm in that picture, mom!!!


vIDluv make a /soy/


It's already there

File: 1692127077508.gif (1.11 MB, 498x498, cobson.gif)


It's gonna 100x I promise



Make it a sidson.





File: 1692115025025.png (22.98 KB, 600x800, 1691798802456.png)


‘teens shall become the Jews of imageboards


we already were


File: 1692117588994.jpg (311.01 KB, 1230x1190, 1643104934257.jpg)

>my jokes about soot and his mods being JIDF agents came true.


File: 1692125848850.png (63.22 KB, 1076x1051, ClipboardImage.png)

>jarty's temporarily down because they need our data too

File: 1692121733253.png (8.84 KB, 250x378, jimmy davis heart.png)


Hello soyfugees


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/gen/ - General
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File: 1692121733253.png (8.84 KB, 250x378, jimmy davis heart.png)

Sid 08/15/23 (Tue) 17:48:53 №1507
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Why did they turn his head into Spongebob's house?

File: 1692124615275.png (134.19 KB, 430x580, 1689089639289.png)


hello sidbros


File: 1692124762014.png (10.61 KB, 789x361, SidSon_Sidjak_3.png)

Hello kuz

File: 1692113640083.gif (399.05 KB, 672x940, bunker.gif)


new bone chilling 'jak stonetoss just dropped


issa gem


ID'd, gem, etc


it's over

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