/gen/ - General

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if you see someone post something that is talking about topics like covid for example or just generally topics that could be posted on 4cuck /pol/ack, report it these, IViggers are bots they always post some coomer bait pictore of a woman along with it to gain traction on it to create some kind of shitty psyop, there is always some retarded shit mixed within in it. DO NOT FALL FOR BAITPOSTS!!!!!





why am i getting "CP spammer IV'd"

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ARE there anyone up to having a quality time ;⁠-⁠) with fellow sidsonian? Comment if you are ready, but please be older than 18 or something


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If you're happy I'm happy xir

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disgusting nasid


>>1043 pleasantly isasid it’s in his name for Pat’s sake


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it is me



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what is this obsessed splinter or something?


where sidson


Or something

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'tan on the 'sidty
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


I'll rape her, and then your mother


where sheila sidson?


I am so gay for sheila, she is my dommy mommy *slurp, slurp, slurp*



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Make it a sheila. Increase nose too.


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Wheres sidson?


Make it a sidson


Where sidson


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Why has nobody ever noticed that Trump actually looks incredibly Sidsonian?


He looks like my grandma

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What is going on there?

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Sidson city is alive and will be alive as ling as Vinluv's heart is beating


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