/gen/ - General

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>i join a instance on vrchat per usual when i get on
>gooner and nigger hell
>tranny comes to me being really nice
>(inb4 not quoting xhem because i was tired)
>trannies really nice to me
>tranny and me become good friends (as in bar buddy type)
>tranny and i have good talks in the span of 1 day on discord after work
> i rest
>i awake to today
>doing shopping for the week
>i return home to than draw
>i get bored
>i get on vrchat
>tranny gets on vrchat shortly after and is on green
>i join the troon
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>this is why i told vinluv to ditch your faggot ass
I feel like trying to force anyone to separate with people, especially people who are “faggy” because they just do albeit unorthodox shit sometimes is kinda IV’d. Change as a person, whoever you may be.


cuckservative take, tolerance is the reason for the era we're in now. I don't have to change to affirm faggotry


Cuckservatism? Than that'd mean i would be too far gone.


total troon death




Rename sidson.city to neutralplier.city.


Go back to neutralplier.party

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why is portugal full of pedos and niggs?
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


you can do genetic research yourself, portugal is also the most homogenous country


fair point that portugal is more homogenous, but majorly speaking spaniards are whiter by default. Visual and statistical referencing does wonders.


they arent, the genetic make up of modern day spaniards is swarthy


If that is the case than why do more mexicans come out whiter than brapzilians PER CAPITA, even with the amerindian/native genetic makeup?


And we mean the more populated areas, south brazil is not that white anyways.

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Do you like Garfield?


He is the best comic strip character in comic strip fiction, so yes id say.


More a a heathcliff guy

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emblem of revolution


Sidson.City is forever.


Sidson.city can never die


To all the 'P posters, VPN's are useless. There are tools out there that can track down the IP that is using the VPN IP. You're gonna get executed, and there is nothing you can do about it.


Well yeah, doesnt matter anyways we have actually active moderation nowadays. ‘P bots will eventually phase out or site devs will add something to blacklist it, which we used to have until we switched to file reviewing.

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site ui feels cramped


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it's so cramped i can't breathe

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nigga what is this

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