/gen/ - General

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Welcome to vinCHAD's Fat-Fur heaven
6 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Hello Freddy, you filthy turn-coat you.


Xe's right sidbros


I want to see fanarts of Big the Cat here. John St Jon, the guy who voices Duke Nukem and Postal 4 Dude, voiced him.


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Croatian hands typed this post


Serbian feet typed this post

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My friend came across this gentleman's picture while searching his local Facebook marketplace for car parts. The funny thing is, he posted his face as a product photo. You think he has 'jak potential?




I'm not going there until Kuz gets the 'p problem under control. In the meantime, I will be posting my 'jakies here. The bouncers will just have to deal with it.


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Like every Jak there is a Sid to counteract it


Don't forget,you're here forever


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Nah, I can leave whenever I feel like it.

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Super AI Marios


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So cool




Rasta Mario made of wood, real boy jepetto understood!

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File: 1680286634108.png (1.64 MB, 873x1164, Kuz of the Mask.png)

Kuz will always be ID’d.


Moved to >>>/meta/171.

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Welcome to sidson.city's General / Random board.


Moved to >>>/test/11.

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>no cp
>no shitdick
>no trannies
>owner that's not hated by half the userbase
i'm thinking ID'd.


Thank you,but please DO make it a sidson.


what part of "/gen/" do you not understand


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I don't care.


File: 1680219076198.jpg (195.93 KB, 1200x796, Son of the Janny.JPG)



For more info

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There are two boards I know and they don't appear in catalog for all boards on the left and I think you should add them.
/pava/ and /critic/ are missing.
Also, please, add on the top all the boards while browsing a certain board.



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Fred and Barney


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