/gen/ - General

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testing after the site went down


So the site went down again?


It went up

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Hello @vinluv

I have 33 cars.

My Bugatti has a w16 8.0L quad turbo.

My TWO Ferrari 812 competizione have 6.5L v12s.

This is just the start.

Please provide your email address so I can send a complete list of my car collection and their respective enormous emissions.
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Holy w




Expose that fraud


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An error has occured.
Flood detected; Post discarded.



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Do I look black be honest


your hand looks abused

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i drew a picture of myself when im away from home and the server goes down


We forgive you


Cry harder nIVgga


Good, but you forgot to draw the spilled bottle of Sidlent shorting out the server rack.


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What the hell is with this rape victim crap?
It sounds like some child rapist who looks like Aphex Twin guy would say.




Twitter users use that insult.


This is how i think it will be whenever you show your portfolio to a genius


But yes I have heard of Preston Blair and I’m bettter than him


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Jimmy Davis thread
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I want YOU to #PoopLikeJimmy




Look at him go!


That rocks


Happy little man

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This safe horny accussations are retarded. I am into dommy mommy garbage, but some people take this crap too far like RespectElves and that makes me cringe.
I would rather play Duke Nukem Forever than listen to those retards.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


Yes, but I am still writing that because niggas love bitching when something not even meant to be pornographic is still accused of Being pornographic.


I would have forgiven safe horny if someone was just like safe edgy folks aka trying not to be so horny like trying not to offend anyone despite the odds.


Context: safe horny is someone who is bad at hiding his horniness.
I hate Twitter users so much.


I would say "safe horny" is an attempt to mask your addiction with a "PG-13" lable. eventually leading to 13 year olds posting gay furry pornography.


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Just accusing someone of posting dommy mommy or just a fun joke without even trying to make it look horny of being safe horny is just retarded.

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Will drinking this give me knowledge of IV and ID?


the cost is to realize that you yourself,are IV'd.

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He told me so himself. He wants to befriend Jamie Kennedy.


So true. Also, Jamie Kennedy should play JFK


OP is gay. He told me so himself

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