/gen/ - General

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what is this obsessed splinter or something?


where sidson


Or something

File: 1715916051418.png (1.47 MB, 1044x1661, IMG_3277.png)


Wheres sidson?


Make it a sidson


Where sidson


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Why has nobody ever noticed that Trump actually looks incredibly Sidsonian?


He looks like my grandma

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Sidson city is alive and will be alive as ling as Vinluv's heart is beating


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Hey everyone,

I wanted to share something new with you all – OrdinaryChan! ( ordinary.pw ) It's a brand new textboard where we're just getting started. There's no existing content yet, so it's a blank canvas for you to jump in and start discussions on anything you're interested in.

OrdinaryChan is all about creating a relaxed space for casual chats and sharing thoughts anonymously. We're excited to see where the community takes us!

Join us at ordinary.pw and help us build something unique together from the ground up.

Looking forward to your contributions!


>most obvious spyware chan

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you make rub my big braphog belly


It's gassy in here

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We should rename sidson dot city to braphog dot clitty

user is a nigger

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If sidson makes you rub your big braphog belly hit the smile button and repub this post

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