/soy/ - Soyjaks (archived)

Vinluv won btw.
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File: 1692133130975.png (93.68 KB, 750x790, cobby finger.png)


Fuck this whole situation


File: 1692133163692.png (146.76 KB, 773x613, cobby questioning.png)

Also thanks vinvluv for letting tor users post a little bit
When's the new fun with lee dropping


1. Make it a sidson
2.sometime soon I’m a little busy atm,but if you make more sidsons and start posting them instead of Cobson FWL: the return will be soon


File: 1692134032123.png (30.41 KB, 775x849, cobson brow raised.png)

>stop posting cobson
that's gonna be a no from me sir, maybe a mix-up between cobby and sidson suits your needs better?


File: 1692135337624.png (166.79 KB, 624x575, Blauseau.png)

I can make that arrangement. Sorry for being aggressive. I’m a little mad with power atm. I will allow Cobson but you have to post an equal amount of sidson and sidty OC to balance it out OK?


File: 1692141067109.png (310.44 KB, 632x900, 1612207370422.png)

No problemo, how do i make sid-ish type OC doe


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