R: 0 / I: 0
>jakparty.soy is temporarily offline
>Due to the massive influx of users and the lack of moderation manpower, jakparty.soy will temporarily be going offline
>this offline period will simply serve as a buffer time to give janitors a break and improve automatic moderation
>updates about the sites status will be posted here as they come. The site will aim to be up as soon as possible.
>Users wishing to post on other boards are free to take a gander at any of these websites:
> Lefty Pol
> 4cuck
> OurChan
>Users wishing for a soyteen-centric experience since both the sharty and jarty are down can view:
> Angeleno's Bunker
> Max's Bunker
> Vinluv's Bunker
>Note: none of these bunkers are endorsed by jakparty.soy or its administration. These are merely listed for utility's sake. Browse and post with caution.
>If none of the above options sound appealing, you could always spend time with family, friends, touch grass, or do your chores while the various bald cartoon man with glasses websites get their shit together.
>Talented coders are requested to contribute to jakparty.soy's anti-CP system, which can be found here
>Contact: admin@jakparty.soy