/sid/ - Sidson

World's greatest soyjak character guy based on Virtuosity,
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File: 1684463631791.png (561.14 KB, 1584x1080, sidification.png)


Reject minimalism.
Embrace Maximalism.


File: 1684465473327.png (279.53 KB, 1012x861, sidlita.png)

will do


Sed Sluthor when?

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Only at SIDSON City




shoyta is a child though how can he be a pedo


How is this pedoshit when shoyta is literally getting killed in this picture?
Have you heard of nas IV'd or brimstone?
This image looks more like it's against crap like shoyta and soylita.


He's an enabler. Kids should grow up and become adults boom no more pedos problem solved.


I'm saying it in compliment of the image btw.


My new OC Fred Fats


May I see him without the hat? what's his personality?


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He saw an ogre


Fred Fats is a crazy character that lives and runs the "billi hillis", a hill of redneck sidians that believe on conspiracy theories and ogres.

He was once a genious, but his constant fear of the goverment coming after him he poured brake fluid onto his ear to fry his brain.


so like qboomers but sidson?


Untilted sidsonian artpiece

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The Sid report




#1 a hawg killer

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>howdy doo I'm Sidson Kurtz
>Bearded and Bald like Old Fred Durst
>Watch me do a hula dance
>to shake the IDs from my pants


Big ‘d

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Dont buy videogames from shady men on the street… They're made with DRUGS!


Don't do video games. They rot your brains. Go on sidson.city however doe.

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Somebody sid the hulkster


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fixed it up for you brother HH SC


I think we've got another candidate for a Sidty banner image.


Just got to add a more doable version of the logo somewhere really

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Help me turn this into a proper Sid.


Will do but remember
>Bared teeth
>Inflamed nostrils
>Pencil Stache
Also thicken up the lines




first off give us a source perhaps? if not I'll redo it from here


the line width first and foremost

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