/sid/ - Sidson

World's greatest soyjak character guy based on Virtuosity,
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File: 1692134885888.png (2.34 MB, 1920x1080, Sidty sunshine.PNG)


There's a great, big, Sidtyful tomorrow
ID’s sprouting from the corpse of the sharty
There's a great, big, Sidtyful tomorrow
And The Sidty's just a click away
Vath had a bright ID’ea and that's the start
He follows his dream with mind and heart
And when it becomes a reality
It's an ID we call Sidson dot City!
So there's a great, big, sidtyful tomorrow
ID’s sprouting from the corpse of the sharty
There's a great, big, Sidtyful tomorrow
Just a click away


https://youtu.be/WqBkBxJy470 someone cover this

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