/sid/ - Sidson

World's greatest soyjak character guy based on Virtuosity,
Password(For file deletion.)

File: 1691866940031.jpg (39.47 KB, 265x374, Sidson Mckimson.jpg)


"Remember me? I made Foghorn Leghorn"

File: 1691713579336.png (115.09 KB, 1000x559, ClipboardImage.png)


"ermm…. whats up there?"

File: 1691437028673.png (188.41 KB, 361x361, ClipboardImage.png)


Sidson zombie


IVs….. I need IV…..


ID'd this 'log

File: 1691444967574.png (241.98 KB, 943x896, chingchong.png)


The ricecels will rejoice once they see this bright ID'ea!

File: 1685041168428-0.png (209.63 KB, 489x1077, nut iv.png)

File: 1685041168428-1.png (460.39 KB, 656x984, Squirrel sid.png)

File: 1685041168428-2.png (239.89 KB, 656x383, Squirrel ID.png)


Nigga I'm ID'd


File: 1685041706333-0.png (233.34 KB, 748x600, it's d'd.png)

File: 1685041706333-1.png (166.14 KB, 748x600, it's d.png)

Not iv or id, just d
Neutral response


File: 1685041747039.png (368.06 KB, 656x984, ClipboardImage.png)

Don't care I'm D'eez nuts


File: 1685042580912-0.png (397.13 KB, 656x984, Sidsquire.png)

File: 1685042580912-1.png (384.98 KB, 656x984, Sidsquirel.png)

heyhey hey


The woke left has gone nutty


They've barked up the wrong tree if you will

File: 1678842226208-0.png (293.65 KB, 965x1534, lil sidson.png)

File: 1678842226208-1.png (422.88 KB, 1270x1533, spookysiddie.png)

File: 1678842226208-2.png (396.25 KB, 1270x1533, colored ominous siddy.png)

File: 1678842226208-3.png (385.79 KB, 1270x1533, omninous siddy.png)


aka KidSid Sidkid,Sidson Jr.,Sidson junior. lil'siddie,little sidson
3 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


https://youtu.be/nBh68DAZK18 This is his canonical voice (the stripped zombie baby)








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Due to a bug in the previous thread, this new one has been made to continue posting pages.
Old Thread: https://sidson.city/sid/res/423.html#423
45 posts and 43 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1689537507542.png (88.15 KB, 378x593, doawspage100.png)

Page 100, only 124 remain.
In 12 more pages I will reach the halfway mark, but I will probably make Cobson Rules as the next book after this so it's not over yet.
At this rate I will finish the whole book at the end of the year.


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That rocks dude


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Any updates?


He was made by the doctor sidson as an experiment but he's now locked up in the basement of the hospital. He's sometimes let out to assist the doctor.

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Mods aren’t supposed to suck IVs

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