/gen/ - General

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Hello i am the board owner of the /soyjak2/ bunker on 8kun, Chode.
I would like to discuss a possible alliance with vinluv.


Admirable of you to make an alternative to the j*rty that can be used in case of anything ever happening to the sharty.
IMO more altchans are always a good thing


Where can i make contact with vinluv


@Svinluv on twitter or @Sidson_city
Vath@sidson.city or sidson.city@gmail.com for email


The only promise is that you must encourage sidson and SotM on your board and we’ll help you.


Sent you the email, how do you want me to promote sid and sotm


>>815 Make a sidson the op and encourage posting of sidsons all over


Why does he have breasts


xee's trans


vinluv says trans rights


No vinluv says trans neutrality.

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