/gen/ - General

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File: 1680054046058.png (356.19 KB, 820x929, 167794400962.png)


noodle(Please get a life Fatcat, and stop avatarfagging for attention. (and stop grooming kids on discord, too.))


fatcat don't avatarfag challenge (difficulty = ohio)


>>>ZELLIG.party pay the toll gorillnon


I prefer Russel


File: 1681248498573.png (71.46 KB, 700x346, 1673740190315-0.png)

Is this the loser who groomed teenage girls into sending him pictures of them cutting themselves on his secret, gay IVcord server?


most definitely.


File: 1681267063112.png (25.17 KB, 789x361, SidSon_Sidjak_4.png)

Have him killed. In real life, not Minecraft.


least insane gorillaz fan


File: 1681592940766.png (396.97 KB, 1564x1718, gigason.png)

Repent of your sins you creepy nonce.


Two words, Fatty. Wank.


I don't like fatcat by the way


File: 1681790006859.png (323.18 KB, 873x941, ClipboardImage.png)



Nice try Chud, but I am a true red-blooded Sidsonian American. I just think the word "nonce" is funny.


Murdoc Niccals is funnier

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