/soy/ - Soyjaks (archived)

Vinluv won btw.
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new max toss

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the day I go apply for citizenship is the day the 'sharty goes down, what a bummer

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Mark Mann (pedophile) is really sensitive to soyjaks, do him a solid and fill it up with 'jaks 'eens, he was caught coping on his own lolcow thread at https://alogs.space/cow/res/45039.html and got swiftly dealt with a question on why he groomed his little niece like a pedo that he wont answer because he is one.


Mark Mann would enjoy spamming Soylita and Shoyta and maybe even BBCobson if he wasn't afraid of Soyjaks.


Maybe he isn't afraid of a sidson or two?


Maybe. You know how many egotistical fags are using jaks for silly fights. They are also using ackposts!

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I feel like jakking was ruined when variants got their names and booru was created. I would always Joke that removal of ISIS thread was the reason, but when you think about it. Too many variants were made and some became self-inserts.

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Don't cry because it's over
Smile because it happened

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Just gonna leave this here


nas goal


Me third from the right.



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someone remake this with shatter culture
(i'm lazy lol)




ID'd doebiet


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vinluv's spunker


holy mother of variant:unknown


damned father of subvariant:known

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Lime won.


which get was the lime win again was it 2222222 or 4444444


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there has not been a 4444444 get doe


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and there never will be KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK


File: 1692093064836.png (171.95 KB, 1893x1128, LIME WIN 2222222 GET.png)

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