I hopa she made lotsa goy slop!
>>612"Dear, Pesky Sidchuds,
The Soyteens and I have taken over the Sidson Kingdom. Sheila is now a permanent guest at one of my Ϫ Brimstone Hotels. I dare you to find her if you can!"
>>615I like to think number thrembo is the final hotel even though it's technically between 6 and 7,and the joke is that the Soyteens have to get reaffriming it. But that's a bit mcuish doncha think?
>>617I don't know what "mcuish" means. All I know is that thrembo is real.
>>618Like Marvel writing. Kinda cheesy and a little too self aware
>>619I see. Well, keep in mind that the numner thrembo is actually a subtle joke.
>>615"We got to find Sheila!"
"And YOU gotta help us!"
>>626*Sidty wiki,we will get it up shortly
I would go further with the Hotel Mario script, but I need an illustrator to help.
Okay, what would all the hotels be? So far I've got:
Chud Chateau - Nazi -occupied castle
Club Cado - a nightclub/hotel
Kino Casino - self explanatory
Something 'Zellig Related - I dunno, traditional Dutch architecture or something.
Castle Cobson - Final Level
>>648Sounds ID'd
Temple Tranime perhaps?
>>655Tranime Treehouse, perhaps? I could only seeing it relating to the 'sharty if you play up the "trans" part of "tranime". Hide some references to Discord groomers in it and you're golden.
I'm gonna make a Hotel Sidson mod who's with me?
>>907Sidnon's brother, Sidymous