>>423That rock bro. Make a LLB about the sidty!
>>425it's about sidson moving from the Big Sidty to the dying old Sharty and learning to adjust to his new IV'd lifestyle.
>>430>>428>>425all ID'ds. Please finish this
>>432Very ID'd will post the sidter
>>434Should've said "Sid is nas"
I will make a readalong sideo (a sidty video perhaps by Iveo) when the first chapter is done and perhaps a sidstream out it.
>>439You’re such a bright id’ea
>>441Frogposters me thinks or perhaps Apu. As frogposters are outcasts in sharty lore.maybe Tim Avery?
>>443see? I told you it works!
>>441the great thing about sidson's design is that in the right angle it can express many emotions as needed in contexts unlike other jaks or sons who may need further editing. The only downside is that sidalts have to be more niche due to it's wide range.
>>450ID’d twist on a classic. It was truly meant to be.
>>456Cobby as the older brother genius!
>>481No worries! Listen I might lay you to do it once we monitize the zerty
>>485Does that mean Susan is Jobe or Sheila?
>>493Brightest ID’ea here
>>495Blinky sid is such a great design I’m glad he can be utilized!
>>497The way sidson seethes is so funny. You can feel his rage
>>516I suggested apu originally as a joke but it actually works. The emotionally stunted autismo vs the savvy sociopath fits both apu and sidson respectively.
>>521Is frogmail real that would be actually funny. I might "amfemails" in the vain of "sbemails"
https://homestarrunner.com/sbemails №523
>>522I just made it up for the page, but apparently it's actually a real site
>>523Give me a second I have an idea…
>>5231.it’s Spanish
2. It’s expensive
So unless a bright ID’ead siddy can help a sidther out im just ring sidson.city presents Apu’s Emails is on the drawing boards
http://frogmail.me/planes-y-tarifas/ №536
>>531Also making the "self portrait" a brimmie makes it funnier. Junior makes IV'dies and poisonous IV'ys much to Sidreg's chargin
>>544I am going to do something on the sidstream this Saturday. I am going to make sidson in herosforge.
>>558 the five little Chuddies reference is mega ID’d I must say
>>558Instead of daycare it should be ‘itter becuase that’s where all the newGODS come from
>>581I agree. Sidsons unlike other jaks have that Mona Lisa quality where you can apply almost any emotion to him and it works out. That's why it's so controversial it's too much of it's own compared to other jaks with set expressions and purposes
>>587Pepe's disappointed face really adds to this pannel. Really shows the world's apart sid and Apu are
>>598Sidsom being forced into to hang around the weirdest brimmies is so real.
>>607When push comes to shove I'll overlah jaks on the Loded diaper band scene with Cobbo 69
>>633Sidsmug is perfect for this kinda stuff. He has that classic Russle Crowe neutrality but with a hint of sorrow. His twinkle in his eyes give a sense of innocence but their blackness revel it's malevolence. Like a chiquaha trying to bite you.
>>682He's just like me (retarded IV'der)
>>682Gonna need the preturbed sid on the bottom right
>>682Thank you for predechudding the pannel for the 'ter I'm so proud of this community
>>730babyjak making a comeback lol
>>745Powerful. I would suggest editing Sheila’s face.
>>752You are a true artist.
>>782wait never mind only the thumbnails are broken it seems
>>423I have to admit: When I first saw this thread I brushed it off as a forced meme until I actually bothered to read it. Turns out I made a huge mistake, as this some of the most ID'd content I have ever seen. Keep up the good work, whomstever is behind this.
>>819Not Op but thank you for exploring the sidty!
>>850Should we add Doll for peak Volitare esque satire?
>>858Somebody give this Sid a Medal of Honor.
>>867This edit actually makes the original even funnier.
>>992It's one of those things where you don't wanna be done ya know?
>>1048It's like those epics written in betwixt the fall of empires.
>>1056He's rowley's analogue and Rowley watches childish girly garbage so it fits the character