/meta/ - Sidcity Meta

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I have nothing but hope and optimism for the sidty

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Joe Winko is pissed…
3 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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i guess this speaks for it's self. it'll be a while till it's done.


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he hasn't made all of them in the sims 2 yet but that's on it's way… Joe Winko will not be playing a nice part in this film.

JOE WINKO = in his 40s

CLAIRE, ALEXA, & KATIE = in their 40s, FROM WISCONSIN, they're supposed to be girls Joe Winko went to middle school with who Joe Winko holds a grudge agaisnt BUT they don't remember Joe Winko, until it's too late… In the movie, Joe Winko sends them plane tickets to Africa so he can lure them into the clutches of the killer hippos! shall they survive??

ALFRED, AVI, GUNTHER = in their 40s, FROM WISCONSIN, they're supposed to be the husbands of CLAIRE, ALEXA, & KATIE, they never met Joe Winko but they aren't spared from his wrath… they are lured into the clutches of the killer hippos too… shall they survive??

TAMERA, ROSITA, GEORGIA = in their lates teens, FROM WISCONSIN, this may be confusing but all 3 of these girls are supposed to be the daughters of CLAIRE (GEORGIA), ALEXA (TAMERA), & KATIE (ROSITA), {mother (daughter)}. Joe Winko has also never met them before luring them all out to Africa, in the movie he is at first slightly hesitant about putting them in danger from the killer hippos, but VERY SOON, he realizes that they all are exactly like their mothers, who he hates with a passion, & adds them adds targets for the hippos (the wrath of Joe Winko is Inherited)


MISTI & GLENROY = in their mid 60s, FROM FLORIDA, the stupid redneck hillbillies who already appeared in Joe Winko's 2022 slasher film WEREWOLF GAME: https://youtu.be/eGMdle8Np9Y) THEY ALSO DO NOT REMEMBER JOE WINKO! until it's too late…
They are all lured to Kenya Africa, along with the bitches from Wisconsin when Joe Winko sends them free plane tickets to Kenya, but it's a trap for them to be in the clutches of the killer hippos! shall they survive??

CLIFF, BUDDY, & LIV = ranging in age from early to mid 20s, FROM FLORIDA, they are the 3 children of MISTI & GLENROY, however, they have never met Joe Winko & vice-versa, until they are flown out to Africa with their parents by the free plane tickets that Joe Winko sent them. like the popular girl's daughters, Joe Winko is hesitant about bringing them into the hippo danger zone, BUT also as with the popular girl's daughters, Joe Winko finds out that the 2 sons & 1 daughter of the hillbillies are just as much assholes as Misti & Glenroy, who he also hates with a passion, & adds them adds targets for the hippos (the wrath of Joe Winko is Inherited)


besides that,

MPENDA = African Warlock in his 60s who gave Joe Winko the power to control the hippos with full knowlege of how Joe Winko would end up using it.

& BOB, KATO, TRACE = 3 gay guys in their 50s who Joe Winko talked to online who were all assholes who aren't related to anyone who are just throw-away characters to add to the hippo's & the film's victim count.

sorry for the spelling errors but hope this all made sense.


So cool


lol thank you ☺ ☺ ☺

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Sorry about the posting errors. I've resolved the issues. It turned out that /var was full which broke uploading anything


Setup a cron to clear logs and whatnot so this won't happen again


Thanks patthy boy

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Ain't it cute?


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I've decided to take a page out of Kolyma's book and add a report button to every thread. I'm gonna hook it up to a janny only RSS feed later. Generally I want to avoid copying others while I develop this site but I feel like this is one feature worth having.


What's wrong with the report feature that already exists?


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Updated it

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Heya. Don't know why but file uploading was broken for a bit, it seems to be fixed now ^~^

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8 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I made the registration captcha on Foxdick Farms a little friendlier for now.


I know squat about it.


Forums are easy.

MYSQL is easy.

PHPBB's permission system is a convoluted mess that you'll really need to take some time to thoroughly understand before putting it online. (safely, anyways)

I have not played with XenForo (the software that KF runs on) because I typically never touch paid software.

I run 100% free open source software.


Freaken sweet


Also we don't want to compete with you though we are making a similar site,would you like to join the sidty?

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>old sharty rules, except for the doxing one because nobody ever got banned for it
>no captcha
>no wordfilters
>Boards are /suggest/ /soy/ /qa/ /trump/ /b/ /ent/ /int/ /sneed/ /raid/ and /x/
>/soy/ and /qa/ are SFW
>Public ban log so jannies are accountable
>Hide post button like what kuz added but he removed for no reason
>archive so spam doesn't matter because your thread isn't gone for good.
>spin text, glow text, blue text, orange text, ETC
>Tor is allowed
>Self insert dust and namefagging is allowed
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


no /sneed/
only /sotm/.




I think you mean ID'd my good friend


My god just make a fucking .onion address for this place already, posting from Tor is fucking horrible because of RBL blocking 4 out of 5 attempts at posting from Tor.

Also, I hereby request /pol/ and /furry/ as well as /furrypol/


We might make /yiffpol/ for the fun of it but we still want to beat the allegations so keep that in mind. We are working on a .onion Aswell.

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Dear sir or nigger,
Your website is sporadically attempting to block Tor users from posting. Please disable rbl/efnetrbl in vichan's settings, it does nothing for the security of the site and only fucks with Tor users.


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We are dearly sorry kind user.
I will sort this out

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