/ivd/ - indie video game development+homebrew chiptune,trackers and modual music

the joke is that I don't like Video Games so this board is IV'd
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File: 1673729792637.jpg (151.63 KB, 1200x1069, Libbie 10.jpg)




what the FUCK is a libbie




File: 1673751996636-0.png (387.16 KB, 942x1200, Libbie 68.png)

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File: 1673752223958-2.gif (986.03 KB, 304x444, libbie checkem.gif)

File: 1673752223958-3.png (1.58 MB, 1314x1809, Libbie 19.png)


shame she got rejected from libreoffic, Tyson tan is a nice artist


File: 1673752648103.png (650.57 KB, 680x847, Libbie 223.png)



do you use /g/? i feel like i saw you there once, you posted some catbox folder full of libbies and people were arguing if it was CP


File: 1673794084936.jpg (61.12 KB, 508x636, Sheila sidson.JPG)

Draw her as Tim Avery from son of the mask or as a sidson.


That is the only WAY I could allow such a critter on my site.


but shes so cute


File: 1673877783201.png (1.09 MB, 1200x653, Brisbane Judmaxxing.PNG)

Yeah,make her a sidson.


Did you mean "Narcisist?" didnt that faggot threated to cancel the libreoffice devs multiple times and then he deleted his old loli art account?


File: 1676901435998.gif (3.95 MB, 580x326, ph_3.gif)

>narcissism is when you do unpaid labor for the entire FOSS community including not only art but translating the entirety of Krita and the KDE desktop environment into your native language
w7-890, just because you don't talk like a mentally disabled ESL SEAmonkey doesn't mean I can't tell it's you.


>namefag discord drama


File: 1677011094324.gif (1.92 KB, 88x31, discord-no-way-2.gif)

Propieratary non-free spyware


isnt that that the same group of faggots who ruined deepin? now they have a trannycord server in the github frontpage? fuck this shit at this point im going nuclear with redstarOS


what the fuck does this gif even symbolize? also didn't he do it for clout? like any other corporate bootlicking artist?


I just want to disscuse independant computerydoos


File: 1682618204798-0.jpg (5.15 KB, 259x194, download.jpg)

File: 1682618204798-1.jpg (1.12 MB, 1884x2487, Tommy-Wiseau-1.jpg)

Sorry, but I prefer that doggy from Windows XP. Windows XP doggy is more fun.


Hi doggy

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