/ivd/ - indie video game development+homebrew chiptune,trackers and modual music

the joke is that I don't like Video Games so this board is IV'd
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Nice posting Timcels, keep the good work


pretty cool one


You paid your $200 tax stamp to the ATF for that suppressor, didn't you Tim?

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Left 4 Dead 2 if it was made by Jimmy Davis

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I don't find Synthetic Man that bad, but I can tell that his newer videos are bit retarded and the thumbnail for his recent video proves it (he might change it later).

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"Everyday… IV that town…"


Found this game mentioned in an OddHeader video and it struck me as particularly Sidsonian. It is free if you want to play it. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1117420/Bryces_Movement_Engine/


>grotesque direction
>intentionally gaudy colour scheme
>theme park energy
Yep,I’m thinking ID’d


He is such an odd header. While I cringe at his sponsorship, I do appreciate him being a fan of Tony Hawk games.


I don’t watch these guys so idk


I would say that the Funny Pizza Land trilogy is another candidate for the list of Sidson City Approved Games.


Somebody needs to draw a Super Mario Bros. styled Vinluv sprite. I would do it myself but I am eating fries in the backseat of Vath's car right now.
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The Lasori Bros so far



btw theres a program you can use called YY-CHR to edit the graphics of any NES game, you can copypaste these sprites when you're done (but youll probably have to fix the pallete)


Funny cool,but personally I would like the game to be a mix of contra and Mario https://youtu.be/LFscZROsj8k instead of powerups in the normal sense you pick up weapons.

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My Favorite Character


He’s just like me


whys he in a wheelchair though???

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"hey link,give me your best Banban Impression!"

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isnt that that the same group of faggots who ruined deepin? now they have a trannycord server in the github frontpage? fuck this shit at this point im going nuclear with redstarOS


what the fuck does this gif even symbolize? also didn't he do it for clout? like any other corporate bootlicking artist?


I just want to disscuse independant computerydoos


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Sorry, but I prefer that doggy from Windows XP. Windows XP doggy is more fun.


Hi doggy

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