/critic/ - Reviewers Essays,Retoslectives and Critics!

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Жирный Мэддисон, Жирный Мэддисон
Обзорщик Игр
Тупой пидр

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I don't remember this board

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Nostalgia Critic looks watchable even til this day


Can't get enough of the critic


Nationalist legend. World renounced Film Critic. Closeted homosexual. Filmmaker. Bigfoor Hunter.

Nostalgia Critic, YMS, Critical Drinker, MovieBob and Reddit Letter Media are for babies!


He can barley even make a movie atleast the channel awesome guys can put that together pol


Fair enough.


I heard Phantom Strider was becoming a transfer was I getting pranked or what?


No idea.
Guy has charm, but his content is the same.
Cartoon reviewers are BLEH!


Autismo Australian. I think his GF he has on is the tranny in question but female Australian accents are kinda androgynous so I think my chudbrain is aiming at windmills.


I hope he, even as a woman, grows to be a badass Australian like Bruce Campbell.
He reminds me of Bruce Campbell

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Holy Criti’d

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