/coc/ - Original Comics and Cartoons

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Peruvian sidson with his companion "Alpaca Pe. Sidson"


They look like if the sidty has a UPA type dick tracy show and I love them for that


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I believe in Pat Ventura mystic Esotericism


He could've been in Arthur Davis's unit


He has the making of a varsity animator

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Is he pals with PEETEY Patootie?


Made it into a banner


I love it


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Are you the guy who keeps spilling Sidlent on the server?



Just realized the Tex Avery's arch enemy in the "wacky world of tex Avery" is sagebrush Sid
By gum it really was meant to be


That cartoon is a poor imitation of Avery, never even liked DiC.


all this talk of DiC on coc cant be warranted. eyes must be wiped of this.


Tragedy. Though it represents the /coc/ heart. The show uses completely original characters. To the dismay of actual Tex Avery's fans and legacy.

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>you're a Koppaite innit?

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Great vid. Please ignore the fact that the creator is a BPD schizo who is confirmed to have groomed children in his Discord server.


>confirmed to have groomed children in his Discord server.


Da 'farms. You have to access it through Tor now, but lookup Nicholas Fedorov and see for yourself.

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Vanny Vark, this pig character that i made up last month


Some rubberhose art for svinluv


IT's just vinluv.


Draw him in Pahlevanan art style


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''I like Vinluv, he's the best cartoonist in all of Georgia, don't you like him as well?''

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