/amf/ - Amphibians of all sorts

Froges Frens and other such slimy freaks
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who the fuck are you nigga


Sidson will never be a ID'd faggot. You can make a whole ass website for it but YWNBAG


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sidson? buddy… this is /amf/. >>>/sid/ would be more up your alley.


Sidson and his froggy friends will ALWAYS be ID’d


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froge… b

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ignore this falseflagger, fren.


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The day frogs won


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>no milk for cereal

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frog friday



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who's the cadospammer




it's not me ok guys

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SidGODS won

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will you allow froge on this board?
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froge site


no it is a sidson site


froge sidson website


Welcome to your new home

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soitroons hate frogs so fucking much its unreal
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A toast, to making janny seethe.


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i must have gone through 50 different proxies. jannies working overtime just to conceal how based we are


Add a hidsid while you’re at it. Hell I’ll make a sidson pepe


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Frogposters and jakposters have been at war for almost two decades now. Only stopping to fight mutual enemies. Now that we are in a time of “peace” within the communities it’s starting to flare up again.
We here at sidson.city are dedicated to repairing ties between frog and jak posters. As Sid 6.7 branched out two different worlds into one.


Also you’re literally on sidson.city lol

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stupid question but what game is this froge from? can i have sauce inb4 i get called KYMjak


I'm not too sure because I'm not a fnfag (just like the avatar) but a game called 'dave and bambi', which I believe is a fnf rip-off, features a character with that green hat, and someone made their own OC, based off of that character
(the difference being her hat has eyes)
she's not actually in the game doe, just an OC

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