/SotM/ - Son of the Mask

the funny green man
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как вам нравится… хеллоуин?


Харди Харр… Теперь позвольте мне увидеть вашу работу Идентификация


look at how cute he is just bouncing around..


Wow! I really like that IV design!!! Did you find the original prop or reconstruct it with ai????


File: 1683396467166.png (162.82 KB, 373x1000, iv.png)

actually i just used different shots and angles from the movie and stitched it together frankenstein style!


That was the original method for the original IV reconstruction. But that had impurities this is amazing!!!!


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Pizza time

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Happy 4/20+1 man

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>I thought you were supposed to bring an ID
>NO I brought an IV
that's the polite way to identify yourself

File: 1681810392191.png (1.71 MB, 1536x1925, deano avery.png)


This could be you if you had ID instead of IV


Perhaps… But check my swag yo


Nothing like the sound of Boogieing in the Morning

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The Noisk


Bighead calling pick up phone

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So is Mr "Sid" with us in the room rn?

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